"Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Monday, August 17, 2015

The Pre-Op Diet Sucks

The pre-op diet sucks.  Or at least so far it does.  It's mostly a liquid diet--I get two shake mixes, one ready to drink shake, a soup mix, and a protein bar daily.  The protein bar is like heaven when I'm craving something filling.  Actually, the food itself isn't horrible.  This is only day two and I'm enjoying sipping my soup for dinner as I type this entry.

What does suck are the headaches.  I was expecting them, but they still are no fun.  It hasn't been unbearable, but it's been something I didn't want to deal with on top of everything else.  I'm tired, which should also be expected.  My body wants some carbs.  The part that sucks most is the hunger.  To be honest, it isn't always present.  You would think with much smaller meals than I'm used to, it would be fierce.  Honestly I just get hit with it once or twice a day--usually close to time to eat again.  I haven't had to wait more than 20 minutes or so to eat.  But I am feeling hunger and I don't like it.

At least after the surgery I won't really feel physical hunger--at least not for a long time.  And I will look forward to being able to eat solid food on a regular basis, but I've got weeks to go before that happens.

I have also come face to face with my boredom.  When I don't have anything else to do, I eat.  Well that isn't the case anymore.  I can't eat out of boredom.  I can't eat when I'm upset or not feeling great or tired or whatever.  I have to eat on a schedule because this is fuel that my body needs, and not my coping mechanism anymore.

None of this has changed my mind.  But I just wanted to be real about how I feel.  Plus blogging about it is a way to distract me from wanting to shove a bunch of food in my face.  I just keep reminding myself that this is temporary and that in two weeks I will have my surgery.  Two months from now I will already be noticing the difference.  I can do this.

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