I had my first session with a mental health professional tonight. I've seen counselors and psychologists off and on for years. It's been a little over a year since I've talked with someone. Because I last saw someone as a student, I had to find someone covered by my insurance. I decided to see if I could find someone who does art therapy. I think I'm in a place where I want to do a lot of self-exploration and connecting with myself and I know art is a great medium for that.
It was hard for me to tell if this particular person will work out for me. I've stuck with providers in the past, even when it wasn't a good fit, but this time I really want to find that healing relationship in therapy. We mostly talked about why I was there and some of my mental health history. I did get to do one art activity. She gave me some type of foam modeling clay and asked me to create something to represent myself. I made a flower.
I didn't have a lot of time, but I'm happy with it. I chose a flower to represent beauty and vulnerability. Multiple petals represent my many facets--each unique but all connected to the whole. The flower is flawed, like me. I chose green for rebirth and a green-blue just because I liked the color. Purple tends to seem like a deep color to me, so it represented the depth of me. Someone once told me I was "deep water"--that I am not shallow, that I am deep and with that kind of depth there is even some darkness. It's all part of the whole for me. The clay was white and I liked that it kind of represented a blank slate or perhaps something that I haven't uncovered yet for myself.
I find healing in art. I can put myself into what I am doing with my hands and my mind. If you haven't ever tried it I would highly recommend it. Even if you just find something to do with your hands, or maybe manipulate some play-doh.
Always Beautiful,
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