"Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Friday, September 11, 2015

First Post-Op Appointment

Yesterday was my first post-op appointment with my surgeon.  It was very brief and to the point.  I guess that's the thing when you deliberately choose a surgeon for being one of the best surgeons without caring about his/her personality or bedside manner.  He's very efficient, but that doesn't leave a lot of room or time for coddling me.  I'm actually okay with that.  I had a brief fight with cancer five years ago and I was glad to have the best surgeon.  I never saw him smile until my very last visit with him post-op.  I didn't mind sacrificing warm, fuzzy feelings for cold, clinical ability.

Anyways...  the appointment went well.  I weighed in and was given a sheet that explained what I could expect between now and the next appointment.  Then I spoke to my surgeon for a few minutes, he made sure I was doing okay and asked if I had any questions.  I really didn't.  I've been researching this surgery for two+ years now so I could probably be a coach for it.  And that was it.  It was probably my quickest doctor appointment ever.

And here are the stats:

Weight 234.5 lb   (down from 254 @ my initial consult)
BMI  42.9     (down from 46.5 @ my initial consult)
Fat %  48.3%    (down from 50.5%)
Fat Mass  113.5 lb   (down from 128.51)
FFM  121.0 lb

So there you have it!  I'm hoping to take some pics this weekend and post them.  I can tell I've lost weight by looking at my face, and also along my upper torso.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

8 Days Post-Op

I wanted to give an update yesterday on my week since surgery-versary, but I was honestly just tired and didn't feel like getting on my computer.  I had an allergic reaction to the glue my surgeon used on the incision sites, so I don't really want to take measurements yet.  Plus I'm sure I still have some swelling so it can wait.  Actually, my abdomen looks kind of lopsided at the moment--the right side sticks out a little more than the left.

I can give you my weight for yesterday (One Week Post-Op):
238.4 lbs!

That's 6.5 lbs down in the week since my surgery and I'm down a total of 16.8 since I began my pre-op diet!!!  So yay! That's exciting :)

I can tell by looking at my face that I've lost weight.  But I still have a ways to go before I go down a clothing size.  When I was on Ideal Protein, it took me almost 30 lbs before I went down to an 18/20.  I lost about 33 lbs on Ideal Protein over three months.  I think I will have that beat shortly!

I started back at work today.  I was initially planning to work a 1/2 day for the first few days, but I ended up getting busy and the time flew by and... well it was close to my usual time when I finished what I was working on so I asked my boss if I could just slip out 30 minutes early.  I was absolutely beat when I got home.  I feel so tired.  I will play tomorrow by ear.  I was able to eat what I needed to eat.  I did try to shoot for closer to 2.5-3 oz eat time I drank rather than 2.  It allowed me to put a little more time in between my meals.  That helped a bit.  I was very careful not to overdo it!  I did the 3 oz for water ONLY and just tried to take a couple extra sips of protein each meal.

I've also gotten bored with my Isopure ready-to-drink protein drinks. I really wanted to get a little variety. I have also found that by adding some things together I can get the protein I need. Keep in mind that I am not getting many calories in every day. It's a struggle to get in enough protein each day! Here is what my meals looked like today:

1 packet of Unjury Vanilla protein powder mixed with 8 oz of unsweetened soy milk

1/2 can cream of chicken & mushroom soup mixed with 1/2 can of water and 1 packet of Unjury unflavored protein powder

Each of those was divided into 2 oz containers but I did try to drink slightly more than one container per meal

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Day Five Post-Op

In general, I'm feeling a little better.  I can move and sleep a little easier.  I'm getting in all my protein every day.  I'm still pretty sore and I get these twinges of pain in my chest when I swallow sometimes.

My biggest issue is my skin around the incision sites.  It appears I am allergic to the glue they used.  So now my skin around the incision sites is all red and I have little bumps everywhere.  My entire abdomen itches, and it's just generally uncomfortable.  And there's nothing I can do to make it better.  They can't give me steroids, which would be the normal route for this.  They can't remove the glue because it's too soon after my surgery.  So that leaves me with taking Benedryl.  I can also put ointment on the red, itchy areas, but I have to be very careful not to get it on the incisions.

There are certainly worse things that could have gone wrong with this.  I am just going to keep moving forward.  The PA for my surgeon told me that this wouldn't go away for probably a couple of weeks.  That is not awesome.  So yay me.

In case you're curious what I'm "eating" at this point post-op, here is my menu for the day:

  • Syntrax Nectar Fuzzy Navel protein shake (8 oz divided into 2 oz portions)
  • Campbell's Cream of Chicken and Mushroom Soup with a packet of Unjury unflavored protein (1/2 of it today, so 8 oz divided into 2 oz portions)
  • Isopure Apple Melon RTD (6 oz divided into 2 oz portions)

That gets me my goal of protein.  I alternate 2 oz of protein and 2 oz of water all day.  It's way few calories, which makes me a little nervous, but hopefully soon my stomach capacity will allow for me to take in more calories.  It should get much better when I can add mushy foods to my diet.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Day Four Post-Op

Today I have moved from clear liquids to full liquids--which means I can add in regular protein shakes, soy/skim milk, and strained cream soups!  Unfortunately, this will also be my diet for the remainder of my first two weeks post-op.

I slept horribly last night.  I really need to take some pain medicine before I go to sleep.  I'm just stubborn, but I definitely suffered last night.

My incision sites are pretty damn red and my skin is itchy.  I will have to keep a close eye on them this weekend to make sure I don't get a skin infection.

I just feel generally miserable.  I ache and I hurt a little, but it's not the worst thing ever.  It's just enough for me to not want to do anything.  I feel tired because I didn't sleep well at all last night.  I'm not hungry at all, but every 15-20 minutes I have to drink either water or protein drink.  I know it will get better.  I just wish I could feel a little better a little sooner.

It will get better.  I will feel better soon.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Day Three Post-Op

I'm feeling a little better this morning.  I managed to sleep most of the night, and I think I needed the rest.  I think my only concerns now are my incisions and going back to work.

I have a tendency to get skin infections after surgery.  I even warned the pre-op nurse about it.  Well the area around my incisions is nice and red, warm to the touch.  It doesn't necessarily mean that it's infected.  It's just a red flag for me though.  My skin is itchy and I think the red is spreading.  So I will call my surgeon's office today and give them the heads up about my skin.

I fully intend to go back to work next Tuesday.  I don't want to use up all my leave--I need to save some for my post-op appointments and for if I get sick at all this school year.  I'm worried though because I know I will still feel weak, and I will have to constantly interrupt my work to sip on my protein supplements and on water.  I think I should feel much better by then, but it's still a bit of a concern.  My boss is usually pretty cool and I think she would let me work from home for a couple extra days, but I hate to ask.

Overall I think my recovery is going well.  One good thing is that I have absolutely no hunger.  I've been taking my vitamins every day, getting in my protein and most of my water.  I don't have a lot of pain--I will get twinges of pain here and there.  Mostly I'm kind of achy.  I wish I could soak in the tub for a while or sleep through this part of the healing.  But since I can't, I'm just taking things one step at a time.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

The days are long

There are times when I wish I could speed through life just a little. I am ready to be done with these first few post-op days. It's very hard to get in all my protein. I also ache everywhere. 

I am trying to pamper myself a bit. I took half a dose of my pain meds to maybe take the edge off the pain. I was able to take a nice nap. Unfortunately I can't just sleep all day and let my body heal up. I have to push my liquids and do deep breathing and go for short walks. So I need most of the hours in my day. 

I'm feeling a bit emotional and vulnerable which is pretty common for me after surgery. The good news is that I don't feel any hunger whatsoever and I have no regrets. I'm tired and cranky and hurt. But this is going to pass. Each day I should feel a little better. I just hope I feel well enough to return to work next week

Post-Op Day Two

I feel pretty crappy today.  My entire body aches.  I have to drink 2 oz every 20 minutes so I can get in all my protein and all my water for the day.  I slept horribly.  I could take something for the pain, but usually the pain meds make me feel worse rather than better.  So I'm holding off.

I drink my little 2 oz, but I honestly can't tell my fullness yet.  I haven't thrown up yet, so that's good.  I'd like to avoid that at all costs.

I feel pretty exhausted.  Laying down is very uncomfortable.  I wish I could relax in the bathtub, but I can't take a bath for at least a few more weeks.  I am allowed to take a shower, but they suggested that I not let the water hit my incisions directly.  Mine were glued and the water could make the glue come loose.

I don't have any regrets yet.  I am just eager to get out of this stage.  I don't like feeling miserable and I have to remind myself that this will pass.  Today isn't quite as bad as yesterday.  Hopefully each day will have me feeling better.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

I had my surgery!

I'm writing this from my hospital bed. I had the surgery this morning. I'm finding that having air in your body sucks pretty badly and the first two times I stood (with assistance), I thought I was going to pass out.

But now I'm in my hospital room getting ready to sleep some more. I mostly wanted to say that I did fine and should be released tomorrow